Hackdays sparkboard
What challenge would you like to achieve?
iOS SDKs on GitHub
We just wanted to inform you that all our iOS SDKs are now provided publicly on GitHub, which cou
New Swiss Music API Mx3
All Swiss radio stations, with or without a licence, have access to the database
Hackdays 2020: develop the journalism of the future
On March 12 and 13, 2020, the SRG is organizing the hackdays for the sixth time, this year under
Hackdays 2020 and COV-19
Dear Hackday Friends
Updates to our Terms of Service and Privacy Statement
We regularly u
New API for Hackdays 2021 open Archive SRF and RTR
As SRGSSR, we always try new technologies for providing state-of-the-art experience for both inte
Who can use the SRG-SSR APIs?
Any company or developer who wants to use the SRG-SSR Developer Portal and its APIs can register.