Update Meteo API; FRESHSNOW Forecast
| 03.14.2024FRESHSNOW_CM in replaced by "FRESHSNOW_MM Forecast
New Endpoint for Audio API
| 02.19.2024The API team has added a new endpoint for the Songlist audio API, check it out. To get the list:
1. get the radio channels
2. using the radio channels ID or channel name
SWI API Deprecated
| 08.16.2023The SWI API is deprecated and is expected to be integrated into the Content API by the end of November.
SRG SSR Hackday 2023
| 08.07.2023Discover. Develop. Together.
SRF Weather API: New data sets!
| 05.26.2023SRF Weather is one of the most used APIs of SRG SSR.
SRF Weather: Neue Daten-Pakete!
| 05.26.2023Die API SRF Weather zählt zu den meistgenutzten APIs der SRG SSR.
The SRG SSR has a new Developer Portal for its APIs 🎉
| 02.28.2023You wonder what that means?
Die SRG SSR hat für die APIs ein neues Developer Portal 🎉
| 02.28.2023Kannst du dir darunter nichts vorstellen? Genau deshalb wurde diese Webseite aufgefrischt.