Easy access to countless audio, video, image and text data from SRG SSR's vast cosmos and repository
Our SRG SSR Vision
We create trust. Our services should empower our audiences to create a forward-looking and diverse future.
Liebe API-Nutzende, wir prüfen, überarbeiten und erweitern laufend unser Angebot – wozu es bald weitere Neuigkeiten gibt.
FRESHSNOW_CM in replaced by "FRESHSNOW_MM Forecast
The API team has added a new endpoint for the Songlist audio API, check it out. To get the list:
1. get the radio channels
2. using the radio channels ID or channel name
SRF Meteo serves weather forecast for over 100'000 locations within Switzerland
This API provides Video Metadata (incl. subtitles) from RSI, RTS, RTS, SRF, SWI.
This API Provides archive metadata from all SRGSSR Business Units.
The SRG SSR API team is proud to share our data for the friends, community, customer and partners.