RTR Linguistic

RTR Linguistic

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What is it?

The RTR linguistic data API allows to choose among the 6 different versions of Rumantsch/Romansh language.

You get validated audio/text data in the versions - Rumantsch Grischun, Sursilvan, Vallader, Puter, Surmiran and Sutsilvan


See full documentation 


RTR Linguistic info at a glance
One link/access per idiom
Wide coverage
Extensive audio/text material
Flexible usability
For research in text and audio


Why use it?

Do you need language data to develope or improve rumantsch/romansh language tools? Do you want to listen the different romansh versions and see how they are written? RTR Linguistic App can help:

  • Quick search by version
  • Access to audio and text
  • Get the data sets to use it for your project


How it works?

Retrieve audio files with transcriptions based on the language idiom parameter and returns the file content


Read the reference documentation



How to use?

If you’d like to use SRF Weather API, follow these three steps to get started.


1. Register and login
You need to be a registered user to access to SRG-SSR APIs. Log in after registration.
2. Create an App
On your dashboard, create an application that will use the API.

For standard access and most use-cases you can use the product SRG SSR PUBLIC API V2.
3. Get an API key
Your application has an API key that authorize you to use the API. You can find it on the page of the application.



Next steps

No next development steps are planned. Do you have inputs? Get in touch via api@srgssr.ch







To access the RTR Linguistic API, you need to be a registered user with a valid API key.


Get API key View reference documentation

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