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What is it?

This API shows you where DAB can be received in Switzerland.

As an example see


See full documentation 


GIS Map at the glance
As a user you receive the information in a document, which can then be displayed on maps. For this purpose the GIS MAP operations "GetMap", "GetCapabilities" and "GetFeatureInfo" are available.
Wide coverage
Detailed data of the whole of Switzerland including, for example, remote Alpine valleys
Flexible usability
The GeoServer offers a variety of map output formats.


Why use it?

Do you want to know where and how well and which DAB programs can be received?

Good to know:

  • 98% of the Swiss population can receive DAB (2022)
  • All roads are covered (incl. tunnels)

How it works?


The GetCapabilities operation requests metadata about the operations, services, and data (“capabilities”) that are offered by a WMS server. It retrieves metadata about the service, including supported operations and parameters, and a list of the available layers. This will be used first to get the values that can be used for the GetMap and GetFeatureInfo requests.

The GetMap operation requests that the server generate a map. The core parameters specify one or more layers and styles to appear on the map, a bounding box for the map extent, a target spatial reference system, and a width, height, and format for the output. The information needed to specify values for parameters such as layers, styles and srs can be obtained from the Capabilities document. The response is a map image, or other map output artifact, depending on the format requested. GeoServer provides a wide variety of output formats.

The GetFeatureInfo operation requests the spatial and attribute data for the features at a given location on a map. It is similar to the WFS GetFeature operation, but less flexible in both input and output. Since GeoServer provides a WFS service we recommend using it instead of GetFeatureInfo whenever possible. The one advantage of GetFeatureInfo is that the request uses an (x,y) pixel value from a returned WMS image. This is easier to use for a naive client that is not able to perform true geographic referencing. It retrieves the underlying data, including geometry and attribute values, for a pixel location on a map.


 Read the reference documentation


How to use?

If you’d like to use SRG-SSR GIS Map API, follow these three steps to get started




1. Register and login
You need to be a registered user to access to SRG-SSR APIs. Log in after registration.
2. Create an App
On your dashboard, create an application that will use the API.

For standard access and most use-cases you can use the product SRG SSR PUBLIC API V2.
3. Get an API key
Your application has an API key that authorize you to use the API. You can find it on the page of the application.


Next steps

No next development steps are planned. Do you have inputs? Get in touch via



To access the GIS Map API, you need to be a registered user with a valid API key.


Get API key View reference documentation


Dac qa Test Jan 13:22 PM, 24 Jan 2025
good api