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SwissTXT Accessibility API 1.0.3

What is it?

This API enables accessibility for SRGSSR moving image content from archives and news of the TV stations and offer subtitling for the hard of hearing and foreign language speakers; in German, French, Italian and English.


See full documentation Get started

Quick search among videos

Get the valid video IDs immediately

Easy access to subtitles

Get the valid subtitles immediately

Your own system

Build your own accessibility eco system

Why use it?

Accessibility is important for everyone. The API gives you the ability to 

  • use videos without sound 
  • use videos in foreign languages 
  • redesign subtitles 


How it works?

1. listAssets, listAssetsFindInAllFields or listAssetsFindByMetadata

  • Gives Assets IDs

2.a. getAssetMediaEntries

  • Use Asset ID from the response given in step 1, to get the detailed list of mediaEntries of the Asset
  • Give MediaEntry IDs

2.b. getMediaEntryById

  • You Use MediaEntry ID from the response given in step 2a, to get the same representation of the file as in 2a but limited to the given MediaEntryId


Read the Reference Documentation

How to use?

If you’d like to use SRG-SSR STXT Accessibility API, follow these three steps to get started


1. Register and login

You need to be a registered user to access to SRG-SSR APIs. Log in after registration.

2. Create an App

On your dashboard, create an application that will use the API. 

For standard access and most use-cases you can use the product SRG SSR PUBLIC API V2.

3. Get an API key

Your application has an API key that authorize you to use the API. You can find it on the page of the application.

Next steps

No next development steps are planned. Do you have inputs? Get in touch via


To access the STXT accessibility API, you need to be a registered user with a valid API key.
Some videos might not be available out of Switzerland, because of geo-blocking reasons.


Get API key View reference documentation

About us

The SRG SSR API team is proud to share our data for the friends, community, customer and partners.