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STXT Accessibility 1.0.2

Asset holds a collection of Media Entries and metadata. For example, a video and its corresponding subtitles are grouped in an Asset. (to find Asset with subtitle in 4 languages, default is the swi_news channel selected) Call cascade structure -

  1. Get Asset ID’s by calling - listAssets or listAssetsFindByMetadata endpoints.
  2. Invoke “getAssetById” with the ‘Asset ID’ from the response given in step 1.
  3. Invoke “getAssetMediaEntries” with the ‘ Asset ID’ from the response given in step 1, to get the detailed list of mediaEntries of the Asset.
  4. Invoke ‘getMediaEntryById’ with the ‘MediaEntry ID’ from the response given in step 3, to get the detailed representation of the file which is behind the MediaEntry.

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