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What is it?

This API provides texts of all articles (without any embedded pictures, videos, etc.)


See full documentation Get started

SWI info at the glance

Texts in 10 languages.

Wide coverage

Many Swiss-specific topics (with the exception of sport)

Easy usability

With the focus on text, it can be easily analyzed.

Why use it?

Would you like to see how texts in different languages are adapted journalistically and not just translated? This adaptation can then be compared with the automatic translation of a program, for example.

  • Texte in 10 Sprachen
  • Adaptiert statt simpel übersetzt
  • Analyse unzähliger Texte

How it works?

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 Read the reference documentation

How to use?

If you’d like to use SRG-SSR Audio API together with the integrated SRG Player of your site, follow these three steps to get started. (Read the documentation about integrating our player by using IFrame or JavaScript.)


1. Register and login

You need to be a registered user to access to SRG-SSR APIs. Log in after registration.

2. Create an App

On your dashboard, create an application that will use the API.
For standard access and most use-cases you can use the product SRG SSR PUBLIC API V2.

3. Get an API key

Your application has an API key that authorize you to use the API. You can find it on the page of the application.

Next steps

No next development steps are planned. Do you have inputs? Get in touch via


To access the SRG-SSR API, you need to be a registered user with a valid API key.


Get API key View reference documentation

About us

The SRG SSR API team is proud to share our data for the friends, community, customer and partners.